Photographing loons can be a challenge. The birds tend to avoid people and stay well offshore in deep water. Nevertheless, over the years, I have accrued some close views and even some of loons on nests and others swimming with chicks. But, I have never managed good shots of a loon eating a fish. Given the amount of time a loon spends fishing, this is a bit unexpected.
Saturday, I watched a loon down a fish. As usual, the loon was far offshore, so the pictures are so-so, but they were fun to get.
Following a dive, a loon surfaced with a rather large fish in its bill. As the loon cannot tear it apart, the fish must be aligned with the bill so that it can be swallowed whole. As the loon tried to manoeuvre the fish, it was dropped a few times and had to be recaptured.
It took more than a minute for the loon to get the fish properly aligned, but once done, the head tipped back and the whole fish quickly vanished down the gullet.