Osprey’s back


There has been a sprinkling of observations of Ospreys around the Lake in the last little while. It is April and males have started to appear; Soon females will return. 

The first osprey I have seen this year is shown below. It is on the nest erected by Nelson Hydro and equipped with a camera by Columbia Wireless. This is the nest that last year, a chick, dubbed Nel, was orphaned, sent to rehabilitation at Coast, and subsequently returned and released at Kokanee Creek Park.

With luck things will go better at this nest this season, and maybe Columbia Wireless will allow us to watch it all on line.

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One Response to Osprey’s back

  1. D Thorburn says:

    I check this nest everyday as I drive to work, and recently saw a clutch of technicians fiddling with the camera. Looking forward to another nesting season!

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