Purple trillium


The Trillium is an early-spring flower of the deep forest, which is based on the number three: It has three leaves, three sepals, and three petals. Our local trillium is known variously as the Western Trillium, the White Trillium, and the Trillium ovatum (for ovō meaning to rejoice or applaud, as in ovation).

Most trillium petals are whitish, as one name for the flower suggests. But, now and then one sees pinkish or even markedly purple petals. These are just the white petals that have turned this colour as a result of anthocyanins.

 Anthocyanins are pigments that provide the characteristic colour of red grapes, cabbages and beets. However, anthocyanins are also antioxidants and some plants make them to deal with the stress of either cold (T < 10 °C) or aging. It seems that the purple of the trillium petals is just a side effect of a device to protect plant tissues.

A whitish White Trillium.

A purplish White Trillium. 

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4 Responses to Purple trillium

  1. Margo says:

    I’ve wondered often…is the plural of trillium, trillia?

  2. Carlo says:

    I have noticed this year that the trilliums have attained a deeper shade of purple than I can recall from past years. Do you suppose it’s because the cool clammy weather has stimulated them into producing more protective anthocyanins than normal? Here is an example.
    Carlo's trillium

  3. Mary J Williams says:

    It is a marvel to me that some of the same plants, such as this, are also here in Missouri. Missouri has 7 species in the genus Trillium. Purple trillium (T. recurvatum) is similar to T. sessile, but the sepals curve downward as the flower opens, and the leaves have a distinct, short stem; it is the most common trillium in eastern Missouri. Green trillium (T. viride) is taller, with sepals spread outward; petals erect, to 3 inches long, green or yellow; leaves broadly lance-shaped or nearly round, green or mottled; common in southwestern and east-central Missouri.
    Size: Height: 8-12 inches.
    The one that I am most familiar with is the almost rusty red color. They call it the Wake Robin Trillium

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