Kingfisher behaviour


I see the Belted Kingfisher perhaps once a week. It is usually just foraging and, after a brief pause, it moves on to a different location to hunt.

Yet, over time one builds up a repertoire of kingfisher behaviour. The first five pictures are old; the last three are from yesterday.

The kingfisher is often seen watching for small fish while perched (2013 Oct. 10).

Or it might be flying (2017 Jul. 30).

Occasionally, the kingfisher is seen to hover over prey (2013 May 26).

Often enough, it manages to catch and consume a small fish (2016 July 25).

Now and then it is seen to squabble with another kingfisher (2016 July 16).

By way of contrast to squabbling, sometimes one can see two of them mate (2017 May 6).

It is not that I doubted that kingfishers pooped, but yesterday was the first observation.

What was unexpected was the sight of a kingfisher casting a pallet (burping up fish bones).

However, the best kingfisher shot of the day was this one.

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7 Responses to Kingfisher behaviour

  1. Margaret Young says:

    Love these pictures. You are amazing!!!

  2. Karen Pidcock says:

    Such marvellous captures of this wonderful bird…thanks, so much, Alistair!

  3. Shirley says:

    Love these pictures of the life of the Belted Kingfisher & your commentary on this chatty bird, thank you so much, but am I detecting some humor, Alistair?

  4. Mary J Williams says:

    thanks again, Alistair!

  5. Alastair Urquhart (neighbour and friend of Dave Douglas) says:

    Only yesterday a worker at the Golf Course who’s interested in birds, remarked how difficult it is to take pictures of the Woodpecker. May I share your amazing shots with him?

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