Many birds take advantage of human structures and activities. This is one I hadn’t noticed before: diving waterfowl that seem to appreciate a cable ferry.
A cable ferry is an interesting watercraft: Travelling back and forth along the same track, it regularly disturbs both the water and sandy bottom as it approaches a landing. From the point of view of some diving waterfowl, it is probably the disturbed prey that are of interest. At least this seems to be the reason that I see such birds playing chicken with the Harrop cable ferry.
The birds hunt in the shallow water near the landings, often directly in the path of the ferry. The activity probably isn’t as risky for them as it would be for a dabbling bird such as a mallard. These birds merely dive just before impact. This tactic seems to work because a cable ferry has no prop to chew them up.
A mirage of the Harrop cable ferry sets the stage. The ferry’s image is sailing along through the air, well above the water, and while not very functional, certainly poses scant threat to swimming birds.
A Horned Grebe was hunting along the shore in the path of the ferry. Just as the ferry closed in, the grebe dove.
A Bufflehead Duck was also hunting in the shallow water disturbed by the ferry. Here is its last minute escape.