Wandering creek


There are ponds and marshes on the west side of Kokanee Creek Park. They offer a superb area for observing birds and dragonflies. While wandering through them, I never gave much thought to how they might have formed. That is until Derek Kite pointed out the obvious in his comment to my recent posting, bank slump. They are earlier channels of the ever-changing creek, albeit now modified by beaver dams. 

A shot of the ponds and marshes shows how they trace older paths of the creek.

A view from a greater height shows the present path of the creek in the background. In a few years, it will break through at a bend and provide even more ponds for the birds.

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4 Responses to Wandering creek

  1. Marie says:

    Hi Alistair,
    Great photos of the meandering creek results on a beautiful day. I am curious about your vantage point for these shots; I don’t remember any hills in this area. Did you climb a tree or employ a drone?

    • Alistair says:

      Marie, my blog is about the behaviour of the natural world, so I only comment about such matters, not technology. Nevertheless, I shall write you with insights.

  2. Tina says:

    Write me too!
    Also I put in a request to print a flicker couple on a stump. Remember?

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