Mountain Chickadee


We have four local species of chickadee: Black-capped, Chestnut-backed, Mountain, and Boreal. These are listed in order from common to rare. Nearly four years ago, I saw the Mountain Chickadee for the first time and posted. I encourage opening that posting,, to see how they differ. Briefly, the common Black-capped Chickadee does not have a white bar above its eye.

One possible reason the Mountain Chickadee is rarely seen is that it only comes down from the mountains in the fall. Indeed, my first sighting was in December.

This Mountain Chickadee was with many Black-capped Chickadees scouring for food.


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4 Responses to Mountain Chickadee

  1. Karen Pidcock says:

    Thanks for helping us distinguish among the chickadees!

  2. Carlo says:

    Kudos Alistair, for using caps on the bird names!

  3. Stephen Wells says:

    Thanks, as always, for the helpful identifiers. I have a special affinity for the birds who stick around all winter, including chickadees. I watched some chickadees up in the high country in Valhalla this summer and assumed I was seeing Black-capped, but now I wonder. No photos to double check sadly.

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