Otters return


Just under two weeks ago a family of five otters visited a dock near me (Otters return).  Today they returned to frolic and preen. 

The two parents are preening one another while the pups frolic.

Sometimes it isn’t the least bit clear what they are doing.

It was actually rare that they were all facing the same way. Mind you, being short sighted, they were probably not particularly aware that they were being watched. I suspect that the upright two are the parents.


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3 Responses to Otters return

  1. Susi says:

    That’s wonderful! Hopefully, this will become a regular occurrence.

  2. Karen Pidcock says:

    Love to watch (when I can!) these playful critters cavort in the water…thanks, for the pics, for I’d otherwise not see.

  3. Rb Stephenson says:

    Nice photos, as usual. Thanks.
    I watched sea otters in Monterey Bay for several years. I never saw anything approaching aggressiveness. Not even curiosity. Just the usual crackin crab on their chests, which turns out can do some damage, not just to the crab.
    Some people don’t like otters because they eat fish.
    Some people don’t like beavers because the chew on trees. This, despite the incredible benefit beavers provide.
    River otters can be quite territorial and aggressive and even attack. Beware, enjoy at a distance.
    I was fishing at my usual catfish hole one time when I heard what sounded like a very upset Gollum. A very rasty cough, cough, cough! Turns out it was a long tailed Gollum in a fur coat. Two of them actually. They convinced me to leave the area.

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