August goulash


This is a small collection of August 2024 images that did not have a posting of their own.

A killdeer spreads its wings and tail when landing.

This loon is back on Kootenay Lake and is ready to migrate to the coast.

On the evening of Aug. 27, Cynthia captured an aurora. August was a good aurora month.

This is a Spotted Sandpiper that has moved out of its breeding plumage.

This has been a good summer for wasps, and not only humans were bothered by them.

I was befuddled by the sight of these two ducks, for I had never seen ones with their markings before. Turns out they are juvenile Wood Ducks.

A tree cricket climbs a bush.


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3 Responses to August goulash

  1. Annette says:


  2. Karen Pidcock says:

    I’ve been hearing what must be these tree crickets so loudly each night of late…and today also heard and saw fly a cicada! I love the cricket chorus!!

  3. Will O says:

    Fantastic photos!

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