Kokanee Wild


Once a year, I mention a presentation that I will be giving — this is the one for 2019.

Topic: Kokanee Wild
Presenter: Alistair Fraser
Occasion: Science in the Park
When: 7-8 pm, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2019
Where: Nature Centre, Kokanee Creek Park
Proposed donation to the Nature Centre: $5

This will be a richly illustrated, observer’s guide to some of the wildness in and around the Park. After an introduction, the audience will pick a few topics to cover from a menu offering many.

The menu: Now, what will be chosen?

Given the vagaries of being able to make only a few choices out of many options, it is likely that any subsequent presentation of Kokanee Wild would be somewhat different.


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2 Responses to Kokanee Wild

  1. Joanne Siderius says:

    I am looking forward to your presentation Alistair!

  2. Trevor Goward says:

    Lucky audience; they’re in for a rare treat.

    My guess is that somebody will ask for your Ogopogo story!

    Good luck with this.

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