Bluebird of unhappiness

You must search till you find the bluebird.
You will find peace and contentment forever.
Bluebird of Happiness (song), Edward Heyman, 1934

The myth of the bluebird of happiness is ancient and spans many cultures; the bluebird supposedly brings happiness, prosperity, good health, new births, springtime—the list goes on.

It is unlikely that Tree Swallows accept such human silliness. The two pictures below show a female Mountain Bluebird attacking the Tree Swallow couple mentioned earlier. The bluebird was presumably trying to take over the nest. The male Tree Swallow drove it off—or so it seemed at the time. Yet a day later, the swallows seemed to have vanished and a couple of bluebirds were hanging around. Who knows how this is going to play out?

Update: the next step is presented at That’s my nest.

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