Vultures redux


It seems that a PR representative of the Union of Carrion Workers (Vulture Division) must read my blog. A week ago, I commented that I had only ever seen Turkey Vultures flying, but never perched. Apparently, the Vulture Local was concerned by this lack of representation, and three days later, I was shown seven of them perched in trees.  However, they were all distant and I posted nothing about it. So, the vultures upped the ante and yesterday I was given a close view of two. It pays to complain.

Two of seven Turkey vultures seen Tuesday when perched on distant snags.

This is one of two nearby Turkey Vultures seen on Friday.

The other vulture devoted its time to preening.

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One Response to Vultures redux

  1. Denise Brownlie says:

    That “preening” Vulture photo: WOW, Alistair. Just —- WOW.

    With thanks and admiration,
    Denise Brownlie in (smoky) Kelowna

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