

Tadpoles have been seen for a week in Kokanee Creek Park. These tadpoles are the larvae of the Western Toad.

First, the stage is set by going back about 5 weeks to the time of amplexus. (Actually it is an older picture from a previous year.) Amplexus is the toad’s external mating behaviour in which a male grasps a female with his front legs. She releases her eggs which he fertilizes.

Western toads practice amplexus about 5 weeks earlier. The string of eggs is visible on the right side of the picture

The fertilized eggs produce tadpoles. The is one view out of a few thousand tadpoles in Kokanee Creek Park this morning. They will develop into toadlets in another 4–12 weeks, depending upon the water temperature.


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2 Responses to Tadpoles

  1. Stu Heard says:

    Exciting sex talk as usual Allistair!

  2. Allan Hobden says:

    ..maybe a ‘tad overwhelming..

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