Category Archives: herptiles


  Tadpoles have been seen for a week in Kokanee Creek Park. These tadpoles are the larvae of the Western Toad. First, the stage is set by going back about 5 weeks to the time of amplexus. (Actually it is … Continue reading

Posted in herptiles | 2 Comments

May goulash

  This is a small collection of pictures taken this May which didn’t have a posting of their own. Well in this case, it is also just a few shots while trying out a camera. One of my first shots … Continue reading

Posted in birds, herptiles | 4 Comments

May miscellaneous

  I went looking for something else, but instead found, well, many other things. On a pond by the river, there was a loafing log with 14 painted turtles in three sizes. The mature females are the largest and there … Continue reading

Posted in birds, herptiles, mammals, wildflowers | 4 Comments

Columbia spotted frog

  I came for the amplexus of the western toad but stayed for a sighting of a Columbia spotted frog. The Columbia spotted frog seems to be only found in the smaller lakes at a much higher altitude than Kootenay … Continue reading

Posted in herptiles | 1 Comment

April goulash

  This is a small collection of pictures taken this April which didn’t have a posting of their own. The Northern Shrike foraged in Kokanee Park for rodents for about three weeks this month before heading north. The shrike rarely … Continue reading

Posted in birds, herptiles | 2 Comments

August’s goulash

  This is a collection of August’s pictures that lacked a posting of their own.  This strange looking bird is just a juvenile Robin. Wintering in the Amazon, this Red-eyed Vireo is near the limit of its summer range. The … Continue reading

Posted in birds, bugs, herptiles, mammals, wildflowers | 5 Comments

June’s goulash

  This is a collection of June’s pictures that lacked a posting of their own.  June began with a dipper feeding a bug to one of it three chicks. This purple virgin’s-bower (Clematis occidentalis) is a western flower. If one … Continue reading

Posted in birds, herptiles, weather, wildflowers | 4 Comments

Ravens and mice

  Ravens have intelligence. Indeed, lab studies demonstrate that ravens will cooperate on a project that requires two of them. If yesterday’s test is a measure, they regularly cooperate on a joint exercise in the wild. Mind you, it all … Continue reading

Posted in birds, herptiles | 3 Comments

September goulash

  My usual claim for my monthly goulash is that it presents a collection of images that lacked postings of their own. Again true this month, it was also the case that previous postings this September were remarkably few — … Continue reading

Posted in birds, bugs, herptiles, mammals, weather | 8 Comments

Western toadlets

  Locals have a thing for toadlets. There are even Toadfests where people help them move from a pond to adjacent woods so as to enable them to cross intervening roadways. But, many toadlets make it to the woods without … Continue reading

Posted in herptiles | 3 Comments