Snowshoe hare


Now, this is odd. A year and a day ago I saw a snowshoe hare, and I haven’t seen one again until today when I saw one only about 50 metres from last year’s position.
Of course, at this time of year, the hare is brown. But, where has it (or its parent) been for the rest of the year? And why July?

The hare sat motionless until I moved, and then vanished into the brush.


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2 Responses to Snowshoe hare

  1. Sarah Walker says:

    I saw one today too- at Red Mt near Rossland— nibbling its breakfast and slightly tame, same color as your photo. Special to see one, for me.

  2. Vicki says:

    What big feet you have my dear!

    I had to look up the diff beween the ss hare and the black tailed jackrabbit I saw ouside Santa Fe NM, because when I saw your pic I thought it was the same. Turns out they’re quite different.

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