Two ungulates


An ungulate is a hoofed mammal (ungulate is from the Latin, ungula, meaning hoof). This region has an unusually diverse population: seven species. Some are in the cattle (bovine) family and have horns: Big-horned Sheep, Mountain Goat. Some are in the deer (cervid) family and have antlers: Moose, Elk, Caribou, Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer.

On Friday, I saw ungulates from each group: White-tailed Deer, Mountain Goat. Now, the first is fairly easy to find; the second is not.

The White-tailed Deer are the conspicuous cervids of the valley bottoms. These two females are browsing beside a river alongside some driftwood.

A mother and her fawn are grazing (unbeknownst) within a hundred metres of some grizzlies.

One of five Mountain Goats is grazing on a steep cliff.

While another glances over the edge.



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