I don’t know why wild turkeys very occasionally flap their wings when standing on the ground. Swans often do so on water to straighten out their wing feathers, but this does not appear to be the case for turkeys. When turkeys flap, it is very quick, often less than a second — maybe they are just stretching. If the bird isn’t already in the camera’s focus, the flap is likely missed.
This first picture shows two female Wild Turkeys, and one is standing tall and flapping wings. Indeed, the first time I saw turkeys wing flapping, it was by a female. Although this is the mating season for them, the females apparently are not yet in oestrus. So as they wander about, they have only food on their minds, not mating. They thus have more time for standing tall and spreading wings than do the males, who are thinking of other things.
This older male is in his mating display. His tail is up and his wings are almost touching the ground. His one concern at this time seems to be seeking the interest of a female. (If he gets hungry, he drops his display.) So, at first, I had not expected him to add spread wings to his display. Yet, by happenstance, I saw it once, but at that time, he was largely behind a tree. So, the hunt was on to take a good picture of the male display plus raised wings.
And this is it: a male Wild Turkey in display, yet standing tall and flapping wings. Grand!
Ducks in water
It is cold out — about -10 °C as the sun gets up on Thursday.
Now, that is the temperature of the air, and probably 0f the snow, but it is not the temperature of the lake. The liquid water has a temperature of about 0 or 1 °C, so it is much the warmer of the other two regions due to convection from below.
It is not surprising then, that mallards spend their time in the warmer shallows of the lake. Or is it? After all, humans (and deer) would not think about lounging in the water at these temperatures.
What is going on? Ducks prefer the lake, but mammals avoid it.
The first thing to realize is that both waterfowl and mammals have an internal heat supply. The question is, how are we each affected by conduction with the surrounding medium, whether air or water? This then is a question about thermal conductivity or how the body transfers its heat to the surroundings. What then differs in the thermal conductivity between waterfowl and (most) mammals?
Thermal conductivity is a question about the time it takes to adapt. A high conductivity means that adaptation to external temperature happens quickly; low conductivity means that adaption happens slowly. In particular, water has about 30 times the thermal conductivity of air.
Let us treat the ducks first, because they are slightly easier. Although cold, the water is a good deal warmer than the land. In addition, the ducks are very well insulated by thick fat layers and puffy feathers. This is enough to keep them adequately warm as they lose only a little of their heat to the water.
But without clothes, humans are rather poorly insulated and even the thermal conductivity of the air (although lower than that of water) causes them to lose heat quickly and get cold. A wrapping of clothes and mittens can balance this. But, wander into the water where regular clothes can make little progress against the much higher thermal conductivity found there.
The ducks are in the water, because it is much warmer there than out, but humans are out of the water because their clothes only just balance even the lower thermal conductivity found there.
In cold weather, ducks stay in the water.