Wild Turkey flap


I don’t know why wild turkeys very occasionally flap their wings when standing on the ground. Swans often do so on water to straighten out their wing feathers, but this does not appear to be the case for turkeys. When turkeys flap, it is very quick, often less than a second — maybe they are just stretching. If the bird isn’t already in the camera’s focus, the flap is likely missed.

This first picture shows two female Wild Turkeys, and one is standing tall and flapping wings. Indeed, the first time I saw turkeys wing flapping, it was by a female. Although this is the mating season for them, the females apparently are not yet in oestrus. So as they wander about, they have only food on their minds, not mating. They thus have more time for standing tall and spreading wings than do the males, who are thinking of other things.

This older male is in his mating display. His tail is up and his wings are almost touching the ground. His one concern at this time seems to be seeking the interest of a female. (If he gets hungry, he drops his display.) So, at first, I had not expected him to add spread wings  to his display. Yet, by happenstance, I saw it once, but at that time, he was largely behind a tree. So, the hunt was on to take a good picture of the male display plus raised wings.

And this is it: a male Wild Turkey in display, yet standing tall and flapping wings. Grand!


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Trumpeter Swans


For a bit over a week there have been between ten and thirty Trumpeter Swans visiting in the shallows at Kokanee Creek Park.

This is a shot of into their midst on March 1st.

Web sources that discuss birds, say that Trumpeter Swans lay from two to six eggs. Yet, I have seen swan couples with no chicks and often couples with only one. Seen yesterday, this couple had three (the greyish birds).

This is the first time I have seen a couple with as many as five chicks in a family.

An adult flaps its wings.


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Wild Turkey display


With yesterday’s posting of mallards mating <blog.kootenay-lake.ca/?p=34342> and today’s observation of turkey displays, it is clear that the mating season is upon us. There were three toms displaying and soliciting, but the females were not yet interested.

A male Wild Turkey in full display tries to interest a female, but she turns and walks away.


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February goulash


A couple of days on the late side, but this is a collection of pictures from February that lacked a posting of their own.

Occasionally during the breeding season, I have seen a female mallard perched atop a piling <blog.kootenay-lake.ca/?p=33132>. I have now twice observed a Canada Goose perched atop a pilling during the breeding season. I suspect it is a female. It is unclear why this happens and really only during the breeding season. As there is no room for mating atop the pilling, they are possibly saying, “I am not available.” If so, are they saying, “I already have a partner” or “I don’t want to breed.”

The north American Dipper is a plain dark grey bird. Surprisingly, it has all white eyelids. It flashes them frequently, yet there are few pictures that show it. This may be because it flashes them very quickly, for about a tenth of a second.  

A Bald Eagle flies off its perch.

This is the beginning of the season where birds mate. For many water birds, they signal one another their interest by bobbing their heads. Such is the case with these two mallards. The male’s head is up while the female’s is down.

The mallards then mate with the female largely below the water.

I watched this Hooded Merganser couple for nearly an hour. He kept his crest up indicating sexual interest. Sometimes she followed him, sometimes he followed her. But they did not mate.

This eagle and the ravens were feasting on a dead elk.

For the last few days there have been Trumpeter Swans in the Lake at Kokanee Creek Park. This view of a portion of nearly thirty was photographed March 1st.


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Pine marten


This posting just celebrates a visit of a marten. Of the two species of martens found in B.C., this is probably the pine marten. 

The marten travels over the snow. Photo by Cynthia.

It climbs a rowan tree and looks down. Mind you, it was only rarely looking in the direction of humans. Photo by Alistair.

It looks out between the branches. Photo by Cynthia.

But, now and then it did size us up. Its claws are really evident. Photo by Alistair.

Repeatedly, the lithe marten demonstrated acrobatic climbing skills. Notice the role its tail and claws play. Photo by Cynthia.

I am coming down now. Photo by Dorothy.


Posted in mammals | 4 Comments

Steller’s Jays vs marten

Our local community of Stellar’s Jays are energetic fliers and omnivorous eaters. Social, smart, and family-oriented homebodies, they spend considerable time feeding and hiding food caches across their territory. Because they easily mimic other sounds, their daily vocalizations are delightfully varied. However, their gentle chittering and melodious songs can be quickly replaced by loud bossy squawking.

When a predator appears, their community coordination can be swift and spectacular.

An interior Stellar’s Jay with white eye streaks and blue crest streaks. Photo by Cynthia.

While observing our jays, a marten emerged from some bushes and crossed the snow!

Now, I had never seen a marten before! It reminded me of a weasel or domestic cat on the prowl. Nose to the ground, it had thick chestnut brown fur, short legs, long claws and cute curvy ears.  It was really quite light weight (1-2 kg) with a long slender body (35–43 cm), and bushy long tail (18-23 cm).

A marten patrols the snow and sniffs for prey. Photo by Cynthia.
Martens spend most of their life alone and are skilled climbers.

After foraging on the ground, this marten lithely began to climb the trunk of one its favourite habitats, a tree. Photo by Cynthia.

As soon as it began to climb, a Stellar’s Jay raised the alarm. At least 10 jays swiftly flew over to the tree and began mobbing the marten — calling loudly, diving and swooping at the intruder, in an attempt to dissuade it. The jays sat on branches above, below and all around the Marten. 

A Steller’s Jay vociferously squawks at a marten while staying out of reach. Photo by Cynthia.
Martens eat fruit, animals and carrion but this marten ignored the tree’s juicy rowen berries and seemed mostly interested in the birds. 

The marten climbs a rowen berry tree and tries to get a jay. Photo by Cynthia.
From this angle, you can clearly see its pale whitish throat patches.

This acrobatic marten balanced and jumped easily between tree branches for about a half hour while the jays protested and dove at it. At one point, the marten stopped to nonchalantly lounge along branch, looking down while having a rest.Photo by Cynthia.

This posting will be followed by another which will show more pictures of the marten.


Posted in birds, mammals | 6 Comments

Ducks in water


It is cold out — about -10 °C as the sun gets up on Thursday.

Now, that is the temperature of the air, and probably 0f the snow, but it is not the temperature of the lake. The liquid water has a temperature of about 0 or 1 °C, so it is much the warmer of the other two regions due to convection from below.

It is not surprising then, that mallards spend their time in the warmer shallows of the lake. Or is it? After all, humans (and deer) would not think about lounging in the water at these temperatures.

What is going on? Ducks prefer the lake, but mammals avoid it.

The first thing to realize is that both waterfowl and mammals have an internal heat supply. The question is, how are we each affected by conduction with the surrounding medium, whether air or water? This then is a question about thermal conductivity or how the body transfers its heat to the surroundings. What then differs in the thermal conductivity between waterfowl and (most) mammals?

Thermal conductivity is a question about the time it takes to adapt. A high conductivity means that adaptation to external temperature happens quickly; low conductivity means that adaption happens slowly. In particular, water has about 30 times the thermal conductivity of air.

Let us treat the ducks first, because they are slightly easier. Although cold, the water is a good deal warmer than the land. In addition, the ducks are very well insulated by thick fat layers and puffy feathers. This is enough to keep them adequately warm as they lose only a little of their heat to the water.

But without clothes, humans are rather poorly insulated and even the thermal conductivity of the air (although lower than that of water) causes them to lose heat quickly and get cold. A wrapping of clothes and mittens can balance this. But, wander into the water where  regular clothes can make little progress against the much higher thermal conductivity found there. 

The ducks are in the water, because it is much warmer there than out, but humans are out of the water because their clothes only just balance even the lower thermal conductivity found there.

In cold weather, ducks stay in the water.


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Steam devils


When it is cold out, the lake often delivers steam fog; and, very occasionally, a steam devil.

Steam fog is not formed by the same mechanism as, say, cumulous clouds or even radiation fog. The latter form when the water vapour in the air is cooled below its saturation point. But, steam fog, and aircraft contrails, form by a non-linear mixing process when warm vapour is mixed with cold vapour. In this case, the warm vapour is in the bottom centimetres above the non-frozen water surface and the cold water vapour is in the overlying much colder air flowing over it. They mix and form a fog, although neither had a cloud in it to begin with.

The main time this happens around here is at night when cold vapour flows down from the mountain side over the warmer lake. One sees the fog over the water with the first light of daytime. And it becomes spectacularly visible when the sun gets up. But, the sun quickly turns off the process by warming the draining vapour from the mountain side and so stops it from flowing out over the lake. Thus, there is perhaps a quarter or a half hour of good observing before it all stops.

Now, steam fog is nice, but sometimes a strong wind shear turns a convective plume of steam fog into a steam devil. The word, devil, comes from a Greek word, diabolos, meaning to throw, which probably is the origin of devil in names such as dust devil and steam devil for they throw things. And a steam devil is a marvellous vertical structure: a whirlwind with a hollow core. 

Today’s brief view did provide a couple of steam devils, but none were quite as grand as one I saw sixteen years ago (which is shown last).

The sun gets up and temporarily shows steam fog on the lake, before it warms the mountain side and turns off the drainage.

A steam devil extends up from the lake. There is a hint of a hollow centre.

And another steam devil.

The steam devil from 2009, showing a well developed one.


Posted in weather | 3 Comments

Stellar’s Jays vs hawk


The birds were clearly agitated! A wild persistent cawing drew me towards some tall conifers, alerting me to the possible presence of a predator. Our local Stellar’s Jays were causing a loud commotion, hopping and darting between branches trying to harass something. And there, deep amongst the shaded trees was what we initially thought might be a Merlin. Upon closer examination, this small yellow-eyed accipiter was most likely a juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk busily eating a catch. Mind you, the raptor only remained there for a moment or two, and then flew off — there was barely time enough for a picture.

A small sharpie (?) looks up from its meal and decides that it is time to move on. Photo by Cynthia.


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January goulash


This is a selection of pictures from January 2025 that didn’t have a posting of their own.

We went looking for Bald Eagles and found three different pairs sitting close beside their nests. This is perhaps the female and her partner was on an adjacent tree.

These two eagles were nearby their nest.

As were these two. All show pairing in anticipation of raising a family. Photo by Cynthia.

A mountain whitefish swam by in the shallows. Photo by Cynthia.

Much less common than the Downy, this Hairy Woodpecker spent its morning pecking its way to the top of several dead lakeshore trees. Photo by Cynthia. 

This was one of two Pileated Woodpeckers feasting on Rowen berries. Photo by Cynthia.


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