Osprey loyalty


If this issue has been settled, I don’t know about it. The issue concerns an osprey’s fidelity. Certainly, an osprey seems to mate for life, but is it being loyal to its mate or do both partners merely return to the same nest site each summer?

The question of osprey loyalty is one that might take many observations or experiments to answer. The answer is of interest around Kootenay Lake, which has an unusually high summer incidence of ospreys.

Today’s observations merely attests to osprey loyalty. It gives no insight into the reason for this loyalty, for an osprey had returned to the same nest as the previous year. 

I took this picture beside one of my favourite osprey nests in May of last year (2015). This osprey bears a band on its left leg — something rarely seen on local ospreys.

Today, I visited the same nest and photographed an osprey with, presumably, the same banding on its left leg. There is a loyalty to something.

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2 Responses to Osprey loyalty

  1. wendy scott says:

    Well, winter for the Osprey is time to hang out with the guys — or the girls, as the case may be. A time to keep an eye on the kids — make sure they go to Osprey school — eat the right food — get bulked up for next summer’s flight and visit all the good campgrounds (for snacks of course) and of course visit the stylist to fluff up that hairdo.

  2. kat says:

    You take incredible photos Alistair. You should talk to Janice when she returns from her Northern Paddling anniversary trip. She has some info about Osprey relationships.

    Thank you for keep a close eye on these amazing creatures,


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