

I don’t see a Northern Harrier very often; the last time was five years ago. So when one visited today, I wondered what it was. This one appears to be a female, or perhaps a juvenile.

The harrier was sitting on a piling near me watching some ducks below it, but it did not make a move towards them.


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5 Responses to Harrier

  1. No need to be always high-soaring says:

    Low-hovering flight of a raptor that hunts by harrying.

  2. Bee says:

    I marvel that all that incredible feather detail can come out of an egg! Beautiful photograph.

  3. Jack Titsworth says:

    The first photo looks like an example of ornithological yoga :-). (That birds do to keep their legs warm)

  4. Karen Pidcock says:

    Thanks…don’t expect to see them this time of year!

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