Two-lagamorph day


Yesterday was a two-lagomorph day. 

Lagomorphs are an order that includes hares, rabbits and the pikas. The rabbit is not found here, but we do have the snowshoe hare and the American pika. Neither is seen often, so how likely is it to see both the same day?

The pika is usually found in subalpine talus — which is where this one appeared.

A snowshoe hare was feeding on forbs when it bolted, thus showing its signature hind legs.

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2 Responses to Two-lagamorph day

  1. Mary J Williams says:


  2. Don & Joanne says:

    I remember being surprised & very impressed upon learning Pikas are farmers! What? They harvest grasses, spread them out on rocks to dry then take them below ground to store for the long sub-alpine winters! Who knew?

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