Peeping Tom, er, bird

I am used to birds colliding with my windows; I am used to birds challenging their reflections in my windows; but, I am not used to birds sitting on an outside window sill and merely peering inside. But, this seems to be what a Yellow–rumped Warbler did, and not at just one window but two of them.

The Yellow–rumped Warbler is a fairly common bird around here in the spring and summer, and for that matter a delightfully colourful addition to the neighbourhood. (At first I thought I could specify the sex of this bird, but it is not clear).

A Yellow–rumped Warbler peeks in one window,

and then hops onto a bench before moving on to another window to peek in the house again.

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2 Responses to Peeping Tom, er, bird

  1. Lorna says:

    Interesting…my friend has a Cedar Waxwing that has been doing this. Seems just to be curious.

  2. Lorna says:

    Great pictures by the way 🙂

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