Three mammals


One does not often see wild mammals during the winter — that is, leaving aside the two staples: red squirrels and white-tailed deer. Each of these were photographed during the recent week in my yard.

The third mammal, a yellow-bellied marmot seen elsewhere, was more interesting.

A red squirrel visits my home.

A fawn and doe look up while resting in my yard. Their eyesight is not particularly good, so by my remaining motionless, they were not really sure that I was there. 

Marmots hibernate though the winter months. Previously, my first observations of yellow-bellied marmots have often been in mid March, and sometimes in late February. The first observation this year, however, took place early in April. 

Countdown: 2


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2 Responses to Three mammals

  1. The excitement is killing me.

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