For a few days now, others have been seeing Mountain Bluebirds around the Lake. I failed to find them until today.
With the coming of spring, Mountain Bluebirds flow into this region in search of insects. They perch close to the ground, spot an insect and swoop down and capture it.
A female Mountain Bluebird watches for insects from a bush.
It spots something and flies off after it.
It captures and flies off with an insect.
A male Mountain Bluebird sits on a perch watching for insects.
I have never seen one of these beautiful birds in my yard (in Rosemont)
I was lucky to see one of these birds while out walking when we lived in Sparwood in the 1980’s. Here in North Vancouver I have never seen one again. Not the right area. Lots of chickadees, juncos, Stellar Jays and towhees though.
Love your gorgeous photos and comments.
Many thanks for those blue hues, since I’ve missed them in lower Kaslo so far already!
Absolutely gorgeous, great photos. Thanks Alistair.
What a welcome sight of these beautiful birds.
I’ll keep watch and hope to see one myself.
Beautiful. I always remember Dirk when the bluebirds come back. Thanks for the photos!
These photos remind me of my boyhood in Trinity Valley, north of Lumby, around 75 years ago. A pair of Mountain Bluebirds nested annually in an old Flicker nest in an unused fence post between the barnyad and yard where we children played. Then, perhaps about 1948 or 1949 when one of the buildings on our farm/ranch began to be used as a one-room school house, the Bluebirds left the nest site (due to the noise and activity?) and then the nest was used for several years by a pair of Tree Swallows (or had they simply driven the Mountain Bluebirds away?). We left the ranch in 1954. I still remember the Mountain Bluebirds with a sense of peace and joy.
What a beautiful sight those bluebirds are. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos. Precious memories of my time in the Chilcotin.