Paddle-tailed Darner


Darner dragonflies fly rapidly and tirelessly over local lakes, ponds and woodlands as they hunt for other insects to eat. Seemingly always in the air, they are most likely to be photographed in flight. Yet, they do land long enough to mate. These pictures are of one of the darner species: the Paddle-tailed Darner.

Two pictures show a Paddle-tailed Darner in flight: head on and in profile.

These Paddle-tailed Darners are mating in the grass.

A moment after this picture was taken the two of them flew off to lay the eggs with the male still holding the female by the back of the head. He stayed with her to protect his investment from other males.


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One Response to Paddle-tailed Darner

  1. Lois says:

    Alistair, I keep marvelling at the fantastic photos you and your family take ie the redfish and the dragonfly. Thank you

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