Birds between showers


It isn’t much fun to go birding in the rain, and alas, there has been considerable rain over the last week. So unlike the migrants of the last posting, these not-so-special birds were shot during fleeting moments between showers. They are presented in the order taken.

Bufflehead Ducks are back on the Lake for the winter. The female is on the lower left and the male is on the right.

It is striking how many Dippers can be seen on local creeks, and even along the lakeshore, at this time of year. This one is peering under the water for comestibles.

Mallards abound year round. Judging by the lollygagging, their lives must not be all that difficult.

Another omnipresent bird is the Song Sparrow. This one is feasting on Rose Hips.

Finally, one normally identifies a bird by its shape and plumage. Alas, that would prove difficult for this diving Dipper.

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One Response to Birds between showers

  1. Lynn says:

    More fantastic photos, Alistair. They are all wonderful, but I especially appreciate the song sparrow eating rose hips. I can’t quite put it into words, but that picture makes me feel happy and grateful to be alive in the same world as that inhabited by all of the non-human species we so often ignore, take for granted, or worse. Your images are truly inspirational. Thank you.

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