

This is the season during which my camera asks if it might be allowed to stake out a hummingbird feeder. While earlier a Calliope had visited, today there was nothing but Rufous Hummingbirds, each fighting for control of the bounteous supply of nectar. They have never figured out that the feeder does not get depleted (as does a flower) so they have no need to contest it. They could share; they do not. 

However today, something new visited the feeder. 

A male Rufous Hummingbird flies toward the feeder and begins to extend his tongue in anticipation.

So does a hover fly. This is a first for me at a feeder. These tiny beasties are really hard to photograph in flight, but this one hovered just off the feeder and offered me the opportunity of a shot. Its legs are dangling in anticipation of landing, but it lacks the long tongue of the hummingbird and so left unsated. Yet, it was fun to see. 

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One Response to Hoverers

  1. Trevor Goward says:

    Hi Alistair

    Fine juxtaposition indeed! Thanks also for the whimsical commentary. Uplifting as ever…

    Best wishes


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