Harlequin ducks

On Saturday, May 14, 2011, the West Kootenay Naturalists held a field trip lead by Peter McIver. The first stop was the Salmo River for a peek at the Harlequin Ducks that delight in this cold fast–moving stream.

Below are three pictures of them. As usual with ducks, the plumage of the male is fancier (on the right in the first two pictures) than that of the female. The third picture might be entitled: pay no attention to us, we’re just a couple of river rocks.

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2 Responses to Harlequin ducks

  1. Elizabeth Truant says:

    Dear Allister,
    These are gorgeous coloured feathered friends-Bravo- Elizabeth Truant. I am sending them along to Victoria for my daughter and her soon- to -be husband, Neil. Wedding Day Mat 21, 2011!

  2. Gloria Maigler says:

    Thank you very much for sharing these incredible pictures. Wish I could have been there.

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