Four–spotted spotting

Along a path through the wetlands just south of Kootenay Lake were hundreds of Four-spotted Skimmers. These dragonflies are both stunning and new to me. Peter McIver had led the West Kootenay Naturalists to this area around Leach Lake following the visit to the Harlequin Ducks.

The Kootenay Lake website offers other pictures of local dragonflies.

The dragonflies I am used to seeing are darners (Aeshna) and snaketails (Ophiogomphus), but only rarely have I seen a skimmer (Libellula), and it has always had been a Common whitetail.

The Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata) is named for the black spots on the front middle of each of its four wings. This early–season dragonfly favours marshy areas, so the timing of this visit to the wetlands was ideal.

Below are three pictures showing four of these delightful creatures.

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