June goulash


This is a collection of images from June, none of which has had a posting of its own.

The Cedar Waxwing breeds around here in the summer.

This Eastern Kingbird feels the need to express its opinion.

A Cedar Waxwing flies across a field of flowers.

There have been thunderstorms of late. When precipitation falls from the thunderstorm anvil into the clear air below, it sometimes drags large pendulous pockets of air down with it. These dark pendulous blobs are called mamma. 

A Black-billed Magpie, here caught in flight, is common in some parts of BC, but not here.

Black-billed Magpies mate for life. During their courtship they use a tail-spreading display. The female, the smaller of the two, initiates the interaction by begging for food.

A Northern Rough-winged Swallow has a serene pose.

I rarely see a doe and a buck browsing together, but here they are. 

Wild Turkey chicks stay close to mommy. 


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4 Responses to June goulash

  1. This blog now has mamma. Mamma Mia! says:

    If “edutainer” is not yet a word except maybe in some urban dictionary, it should be. This blog now has mamma. I take it that scholars are not comfortable with mamma. I want my manna.

    • Alistair says:

      Doug, mamma is an abbreviation. The formal name is mammatus. The structures are named for pendulous organs found on female mammals.

  2. Jean Simpson says:

    Beautiful photos Alistair – all worthy of their own showing. I especially adore the cedar waxwings and the deer.
    Also – thank for the information on the thunder clouds.

  3. Christine Boyd says:

    Your goulash is very inspiring! I’m grateful to be here among all this beauty.

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