Wildlife mating


For many years I presented wildlife talks for the summer speaker’s series in the Nature Centre of Kokanee Creek Park. Then, for several years we had a pandemic, so I did not present.

This year I am again presenting, and with my daughter Cynthia. We invite you to join us. The presentation will be:

Topic: Wildlife Mating
Presenter: Alistair Fraser and Cynthia Fraser
Occasion: Summer Speaker Series
When: 7-8 pm, Friday, Aug. 9, 2024
Where: Nature Centre, Kokanee Creek Park
Proposed donation to the Nature Centre (not to us): $5


Clearwing moths mate mid-air


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2 Responses to Wildlife mating

  1. Robert says:

    Very nice. Can you tell one from the other?
    The red tipped wings are pretty nice but I can’t tell if both have them.

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