Heron & mallard


This morning, a heron swallowed a baby mallard.

Now, I have got to admit that the Great Blue Herons I have watched will eat just about anything they can swallow whole. And this is what it did to the baby duck.

But most of the time, it typically only catches and eats small fish. However, just below this morning’s shot of the heron about to swallow the mallard, I have added two earlier shots suggesting that as far as food goes, anything goes.

After a bit of adjusting the duck’s position, the heron swallowed it.

This Kokanee was the largest fish I have seen the heron swallow (2015/o8/25).

And my favourite shot was of a fully conscious vole about to be swallowed (2013/07/17).


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2 Responses to Heron & mallard

  1. Karen Pidcock says:

    Not very comfortable to view, Alistair…yet the stronger, wiser, perhaps hungrier eats those which can be managed to become a meal!

  2. Allan Hobden says:

    OMG..and the size of the Kokanee..yikes!

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