

The coyote is a reasonably common animal in our area, but is rarely seen. This morning’s coyote was the first I have seen for nearly three years. 

This coyote looks really heathy with its thick winter fur coat.


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5 Responses to Coyote

  1. Paul Prappas says:

    Yeah, a healthy Coyote. Graet photo!

  2. Rb Stephenson says:

    I used to hear them howl when the train blew its horn passing through Procter. Dogs too. Interesting behavior. So, is a train the Alpha male of canines?

  3. B says:

    He also looks like he has an attitude!

  4. Karen Pidcock says:

    Love the coyotes howling, yipping, yodeling…they are beautiful mammals…albeit causing small dog or cat owners grief when they’re taken by a coyote!

  5. Sheila Falle says:

    A lovely photo. It madee think of Markealing because he wrote very entertaining coyote poems.,

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