Murray, the Hoary Marmot, is a mugger. It hangs out near a popular sub-alpine trail and accosts passing hikers. Murray prefers those with bare arms and legs for it likes to lick salty limbs.
Murray’s activity has a long tradition behind it for it seems that marmots along this trail have been doing this for decades.
Permission for me to post this picture of Murray mugging a hiker was given by Finn, the photographer, and Julia, the hiker. That the permission of Murray, the marmot, was not sought is probably a violation of animal rights.
Is the marmot a relation to our Ground Hog here in Missouri?
Mary, they are both members of the same genus: Marmota.
Hello Alistair;
It seems that Murray is already asserting his rights! As long as bare limbs are accessible, he’s content.