On the road


Last week, as I watched a number of bighorn sheep travel along a highway, I thought about how often I had seen wildlife use our roadways.

Certainly highways cut across the landscape and can act as barriers to the movement of wildlife, particularly when there is heavy vehicular traffic. However, in regions of lighter traffic, wildlife often takes advantage of roads to move through the countryside.

In a way, there is  irony to this behaviour. Initially, paths through the wilderness were wildlife trails. They were adopted by humans, were widened for vehicles, and were ultimately straightened and paved. It is likely that in many cases, wildlife is merely using its own historical routes. 

A ewe and lamb appreciate the easy travel along our roadways.

A different pair struggle to abide by lane markings.

White-tailed deer usually travel our roads in the evening when pictures are difficult.

I see black bear on sideroads more often than on highways.

The same is true of grizzly bears.

Coyotes like our highways.

And even use them for a dump.


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2 Responses to On the road

  1. Christine boyd says:

    Lovely photos, Alistair! I had a big black bear on my deck recently. Too close for comfort but an amazing experience to see him that close up. He raided the bird feeder.

  2. Trevor Goward says:

    Both coyote pix have their strong points but the first is visually very pleasing indeed!

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