Bird catchup

Having a posting about a single species, such as offered with Kokanee Whimsey, is great fun, but what does one do with all the images taken that just don’t fit such a theme? Here I have grouped some recent pictures of birds that don’t fit elsewhere.

What better way to start than with a merganser enjoying a breakfast of Kokanee.

Then there is a nuthatch hanging from a branch. Everything has a yellow–green glow; that is the nature of the light filtering through the leaves.

One of the staples of the area is ravens. Here is a pair.

Always a delight to watch is a flock of Cedar Waxwings.

The ever present Bald Eagle sits above a river waiting to feast on Kokanee.

Then there were some unexpected warblers. First was a female Yellow-rumped Warbler,

followed by a Orange–crowned Warbler.

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