Berries in October


A casual walk around the neighbourhood today revealed many berries vying for the attention of animals. While these berries help sustain the birds and mammals through the winter, from the perspective of the plant, the animals are merely devices for distributing their seeds widely. Here are six I saw.


Mountain ash


Red-osier dogwood

Climbing nightshade (also known as poisonberry)

Rose hips (wild rose)



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3 Responses to Berries in October

  1. Eric Gisin says:

    The only creature I’ve seen eating elderberries beside people are ravens. The somehow pull a cluster off in flight, and eat it when it falls to the ground.

  2. Doug says:

    Ruffed Grouse, heavy and awkward swinging crazily in the weak elderberry bush/trees, also commonly eat elderberries in late fall doing the final gleaning long after the crows.

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