September goulash


This is a month’s end collection of images, none of which has had a posting of its own.

Loons have been gathering on Kootenay Lake again, most having spent the breeding season on smaller lakes high in the mountains. These two are already going through a moult into their non-breeding plumage. Soon they will leave to spend the winter at the Coast.

The Buff-bellied Pipit (aka, American Pipit) summers here in the subalpine where it scrounges for seeds and insects.

It is fun when someone points out an error. When posted, I called this a Lapland Longspur, but three good birders assure me it is actually a Savannah Sparrow. Next time, I may get it right.

An uncommon bird is the Northern Shrike. It normally will eat mice and small birds, but on this occasion it seems to be picking up insects caught by spider threads.

The Ruffed Grouse is frequently seen in the valleys.

A resident of subalpine talus, this Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel seems to be posing for me, but was probably thinking that if it froze, it wouldn’t be noticed.

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2 Responses to September goulash

  1. Grace says:

    Images of the squirrel, the longspur and the loon did not come up. The rest are lovely birds of September.

  2. Grace says:

    Oh weird, when I sent the response the rest of the images showed up! I especially like the professional pose of the squirrel.

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