Giant Helleborine


The Giant Helleborine is a wild orchid that grows in western North America.

It is found in a small portion of southern British Columbia, yet it is not particularly common. Indeed, it takes some effort to locate even a single population. But, it is assuredly (but rather sparsely) found around Kootenay Lake. And when located, one’s calendar will say: it is mid July.

However, when found, the Giant Helleborine does grow in a profusion of many dozens of plants and hundreds of flowers.

The Giant Helleborine grows in wet areas.

It grows on stalks containing multiple flowers. 

Mycorrhizal fungi supply nutrients that the Giant Helleborine cannot obtain otherwise.


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4 Responses to Giant Helleborine

  1. birthe says:

    Alistair, since it’s called Giant is it taller than 10 cm? I’ve never seen it, but have seen others and they generally were around 10 cm tall

  2. a very special post, Alistair. Thanks for sharing this treasure with us all.

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