Two kings feasting


Two kings were feasting in a park: a kingfisher and a kingbird.

The high water has left the grassy area on the southwest side of Kokanee Creek Park closer to being a marsh than a meadow. The water has attracted mosquitoes, gnats, dragonflies and fish (we watched a heron catch one). The kingfisher was probably after fish, but the kingbird was feasting on dragonflies.

A female Belted Kingfisher sits in a tree from which it would regularly fly off and catch something.
An Eastern Kingbird (it’s found here in the West, too) also hunts from a tree.
It spots something and heads out.

The kingbird returns with a golden-looking dragonfly in its bill. It was soon eaten.

There were meadowhawks (a type of dragonfly) all over the marsh. This one looks to be a female cherry-faced meadowhawk. Possibly this is what the kingbird caught.

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One Response to Two kings feasting

  1. Lynn says:

    The kingbird does indeed strike a regal pose!

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